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  1. G

    sagging joists

    Thanks, the next step is to understand how to get these new joists into the loft, without breaking anything... Oh...
  2. G

    sagging joists

    Many thanks we do not have these binders. We only have these joists which are parallel to the shortest wall, (and apparently also parallell to the only one other supporting wall in the middle of the house!). There is also one other piece of wood (looks like joist) that goes in the opposite...
  3. G

    sagging joists

    Many thanks for the answer, I am afraid I have exaggerated (not intentionally, I just double checked this morning) The sag is less than 1/2 inch probably, maybe even less than 0.7 sm, and not all joists, only couple of them are sagging that much. The others are also moving though, if I either...
  4. G

    sagging joists

    Hi we have sagging joists. Probably by 1 inch in the middle of the room. How can we strengthen them? These joists in the loft. They seem to be pretty standard and around 4m long if it matters. We want to use loft as a storage room, but it seems to be too risky. Could you reccomend...
  5. G

    wet chimney

    Hi No leackages in the loft, everything is dry, but the chimney wall is slightly wet after rain in some places close to the ceiling. I suspect it is condensation. Can anything be done about it? I guess I cannot fix a heater close to this wet place, and it seems odd to use the fireplace as a...