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  1. P

    Twin wall flue

    Ive just read sunderland council policy and they are pushing to reduce everyones carbon foot print and become eco friendly, if they make me take this down they certainly wouldn't be following this policy.
  2. P

    Twin wall flue

    Thanks for the feedback, asking most neighbours bar the one who complained and they all like it.
  3. P

    Twin wall flue

    This is what i was trying to negotiate with the planner, changing to grey/black brown but they won't have any of it.
  4. P

    Twin wall flue

    Anyone have any idea of my appeal chances? The guy who has complained name has shown up on the application too which is nice to know.
  5. P

    Twin wall flue

    See note 1 of the original estate planning permission.
  6. P

    Twin wall flue

    Hetas engineer applied for the building controls. A neighbour complained about the flue as they don't like the way it is spoiling their view of my back garden. Planning department sent me a letter telling me I need planning permission for it but they would be likely to refuse it.
  7. P

    Twin wall flue

    They have removed them to keep within them rules I posted above. They didn't use article 4.
  8. P

    Twin wall flue

    Please see the wording below.
  9. P

    Twin wall flue

    Hello I have since found out why the permitted development rights have been removed. It's to follow guidelines on a unitary development plan that Sunderland council made in 1998. Even though whe I bought the house from David wilsons where the land registry searches stated that the permitted...
  10. P

    Twin wall flue

    No i haven't. Where do u find that?
  11. P

    Flue on rear

    It duplicated my thread so deleted comments
  12. P

    Twin wall flue

    Hello I am new to the forum, hello to everyone. I have an issue with planning permission. Basically I have installed a wood burner and twin wall flue. Flueis stainless steel and runs up the gable end of house in my back garden. The flue is visable to 6 neighbours. Sunderland council received...