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  1. F

    House Renovation - CH & DHW Planning

    The eco RF can be set up as combi, system or regular boiler.
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    Maybe I'm hoping for too much from evohome, but I thought it would know what each electronic TRV is doing and then calculate if the demand should be higher or lower. It should know the set temp of each room, the actual temp and whether it is trying to add heat or cool down or hold the current...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    Maybe it's being over hyped, but I thought evohome would know the temp of each zone (from 92s or extra senors), know what temp is being asked for in each zone and can therefore govern how much heat it needs to a) reach that temp and b) hold that temp. I.e. If you are using it as a controller it...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    Thanks, that seems to be the piece of information I was missing. So it would mean that in laypersons terms opentherm is proactive where as the boiler is reactive? Both get to the same place - just the route taken to get there is different. When I researched evohome and spoke to Honeywell it...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    My understanding is that OT + Evohome learns the house and then optimises the gas supply regardless of how many rooms are on and off and what temp each individual room is calling for. With WC + Evohome, all Evohome can do is tell the boiler to switch on or off - it can't tell it how hard to...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    I just don't see the point of doing half the job. I want to optimise the boiler while also being able to remotely control all elements. For me OT is the best solution - the issue is finding the right boiler.
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    Surely the Evohome still offers more functionality? Ultimately it is able to control the radiators - each acting as a thermostat in each zone and then the evohome also controls the boiler. Except with opentherm it doesn't just turn on and off, but controls the gas / heat needed to heat each...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    According to both Honeywell and Atag, the new boilers work very well with Evohome - my preferred fitter is seeing if he can get registered with them. Otherwise may end up looking further at the vogue. It isn't easy finding feedback or reviews about any of these boilers either? The house is a...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    I want to make the house as efficient as possible (within reason) and as far as I understand utilising opentherm allows the evohome to govern and optimise the amount of gas used rather than simply cycling the boiler on and off. I believe this is also better for the health of the boiler? Happy...
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    Atag and Intergas - New to me

    I'm in the market for a new boiler (system or heat only) and swaying toward Atag. As I'm looking to get the most out of evohome, it has to be fully opentherm compatible. I did look into Intergas, but seems their opentherm can't cope with multi zoned evohome. This leaves me looking at Atag...
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    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    Haha, I had taken it as a signal emmiter - now that would be clever if the boiler knew the size and temp of each room. Now if only it was possible to like opentherm and temp compensation... My current set up is heat only in S plan with pump in the airing cupboard next to the unvented storage...
  12. F

    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    What do you mean by room size emitter? It does make more sense though in what you are saying. I'm lucky that I have found an installer who is happy to install whatever boiler I settle on. He is also keen to learn about evohome. I can run in either system or heat only mode, but combi isn't an...
  13. F

    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    I can't help thinking the whole point of being efficient as possible is to be able to use opentherm to control the modulation. Surely relying on temp adjustment would be a step backward? Makes me wonder if the RF is the right boiler? Which is a real pity as on paper it ticks all the boxes.
  14. F

    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    Are there any heat / system boilers which will work correctly with opentherm and multizoned evohome? I will be installing the water kit as well. Ideally I want the setup to be reliable and efficient as possible, but the main purpose is to be able to control each room seperately.
  15. F

    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    Maybe I've been listening to the evohome sales people too much - opentherm, opentherm, opentherm - nothing else lol. But, yes weather compensation would be ok if thats the route I need to go.
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    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    So I'd be better off ditching the opentherm (one of the reasons for choosing this boiler) and using weather compensation instead? I'd read some people had had problems, but no solution found yet?
  17. F

    Intergas...but which...

    My current heat only boiler (S plan with unvented cylinder) is on its last legs. I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on an Intergas Eco RF 30 which would be configured to either heat only or system. I'm wanting it to run with Evohome / open therm. Am I better off waiting? Do we have a time...
  18. F

    Intergas Eco RF 30, Evohome and Opentherm

    Hi there, I have been lurking for a while and thought it was time I joined: My current system is aprox 10 years old in an S plan with heat only (dying) boiler and large unvented tank. I've just invested in Evohome and currently running it in standalone mode (I didn't know it could do this...