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  1. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Good shout Terry, I finally managed to get a decent plumber out and he said the same as you, it was isolated on the union, doh!, one of the people I had out to look at it must have turned it off. He also had to replace the PRV and DWH flow sensor but we are now up and running!!!! If anyone needs...
  2. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    @terryplumb >> is the cold feed to boiler isolated at the boiler ?? Sorry, not 100% sure what you mean by this. The cold feed is now connected and open/flowing. There is not an isolation valve on the cold feed, only on the filling loop. @AGAS I have not used the PRV to drain the boiler...
  3. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Thanks for all your help so far everyone. Based on the advice above, I successfully replaced the penetrated pipe today using a new bit of pipe (bent to shape using a bending spring) and a couple of compression fittings: and amazingly, no leaks! However, :( when I try to...
  4. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Cotham.....can you recommend anyone?
  5. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Hey Alec, Thanks for the reply. Yes they are a standard 15mm. Would you recommend compression fittings, push fit or a new bit of pipe and solder? Considering I've never soldered copper pipes before. Many thanks Sam
  6. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Thanks all. Yes, I did ask about whether it was possible to repair it but both plumbers I asked said that is wasn't....I suppose some people are more resourceful than others. I might contact a few more Bristol based plumbers and see if anyone can attempt this for me
  7. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Yes the soldered joint was external to the boiler, the DWH cold feed pipe below the boiler before it gets to the manifold/connector. I was also thinking along the same lines as you thinking that it would be best to just replace the entire thing as no-one seems to be able explain root cause and...
  8. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Additionally, my plumber is now struggling to source the replacement to the damaged copper pipe. Would you be able to advise what this component is called so I can see if I can source? Thanks so much for taking an interest!
  9. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Hi Terry, No, the narrow end of the pin penetrated the pipe with the head on the inside the pipe stopping it from coming through completely. On a larger screen you can see the tiny nipple on the end of the narrow section. Cheers Sam
  10. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Thanks for looking Terry. Highlighted pin in image: Showing component after capping for context:
  11. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Hi Terry, Do the links work? Cheers Sam
  12. S

    Strange Pin Piercing Pipe

    Just wondering if anyone had any ideas on this? I put the central heating on for the first time in about 6 month the other day. The radiators did not get hot and within a few minutes the boiler started making a very high pitched noise and then the DHW feed pipe ruptured at a soldered joint and...