Search results

  1. mrmadhat

    Concrete roof - Do I need acrow props?

    Thanks for the responses everyone I'm finding the advice very helpful. I think based on this alone it would be good to prop it during removal and put some permanent support in going forward. A thought was to build two brick posts to the left and right of where the wall currently is and use...
  2. mrmadhat

    Concrete roof - Do I need acrow props?

    I have an outhouse that is currently seperated into 3 seperate spaces (storage/coal cupboard/toilet) it's brick built with a concrete roof. I want to remove the internal walls to create an open space and make use of it in some way. My dad was concerned that it might be load bearing so I asked a...
  3. 20180918_182818


  4. 20180918_182756


  5. 20180917_181528


  6. outhouse conversion

    outhouse conversion
