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  1. H

    VTac Led Batten wiring

    I have 1 V-Tac led batten in my shed but i need to add more to increase visibility. Is there a simple way to do so?
  2. H

    Low to no hot water coming from Bath tap..

    I will take the bath panel and have a look. Its 2 seperate taps
  3. H

    Low to no hot water coming from Bath tap..

    No not really. Same with the shower (not electric) although the shower is slightly better
  4. H

    Low to no hot water coming from Bath tap..

    Recently we have had very little to no hot water coming from our bath taps. Water flow is good but temperature is low. The sink tap in the same bathroom works fine though. Any suggestions to what the issue is? For info we have a Greenstar 25i boiler situated in our kitchen
  5. H

    'Furry' paint

    I have a feeling it possibly poor paint used to patch over as its in a number of spots. Wallpaper paste could also be an option. The room hasnt really been unheated. When touched it leaves a chalky residue on your hand.
  6. H

    'Furry' paint

    No its definitely lining paper thats been painted
  7. H

    'Furry' paint

    Its on the lining paper. Its on the chimney breast but also is on other walls in smaller patches. Could it be a reaction between paints, maybe when the previous owners were patching up? House is 1950s
  8. H

    'Furry' paint

    Hi, We recently moved into our house and we are looking at redecorating. A few patches in our living room have this strange furry, peeled paint. To the touch it is chalky. the patches haven't got any bigger so i presume its not damp? The walls have painted lining paper. Anybody shed any light?