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  1. F

    What is cable/pipe connected to garage CU possible liquid inside?

    Good advice, duly followed. It's been a few week now and nothing has flooded (a sump pump was a thought as we have one in the house) or not worked when it should have done. So panic over, thank you for your prompt and sound advice and comments! FWIW here's a pic of the neat but faded labelling...
  2. F

    What is cable/pipe connected to garage CU possible liquid inside?

    Right, things make a bit more sense now, I was probably panicking because of the unfamiliar piping and the water leak... The "pipe" terminates at the base of the CU just like a normal conduit would and out pops a single T&E. This attaches to a single 10A MCB which is faintly hand-labelled...
  3. F

    What is cable/pipe connected to garage CU possible liquid inside?

    The CU is on the garage wall nearest the house. The pipe must continue away from the house, it probably stays in the garage as the ground outside falls away and exposes the garage wall brickwork externally below the DPC. I had the ground at the far end of the garage dug out a few years ago for a...
  4. F

    What is cable/pipe connected to garage CU possible liquid inside?

    Thank you both for you swift replies. Do you recognise 'these pipes' then? I've grubbed about under a fair few floorboards but the nearest thing I've seen is flexible conduit... this is much beefier. Anyway, I shall break out my posh Wera set and get some photos of the inside. Thanks again for...
  5. F

    What is cable/pipe connected to garage CU possible liquid inside?

    Hi all, Hopefully not a stupid question, I've had a good search on this and other forums but as I don't know what I'm looking at it's difficult to use the right keywords. I'm running a channel in the concrete floor of my garage and my cold chisel went clean though a ribbed pipe. Water or some...