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  1. Richieduliban87

    electric towel rail

    It does seem to have an automatic thermostat, just one that cannot be set.
  2. Richieduliban87

    electric towel rail

    I need to replace the electric towel heater in the bathroom. I cannot find the same one nor any information about it so am buying the most similar size: Is it likely to work fine connected to the...
  3. Richieduliban87

    electrical wire unusual cover

    I’m doing a like for like replacement of a unit and the cables came precut and stripped but the exposed part of the wires have a metal strip around them. Is that normal for them to be there?
  4. Richieduliban87

    Door strike wood knackered

    longer bit of stripwood you mean?
  5. Richieduliban87

    Door strike wood knackered

    Whats the best way to fix this in order to make it good as new?
  6. Richieduliban87

    35mm door blank

    Bathroom door. Does not have to be fire door, but must be trimmable to any size.
  7. Richieduliban87

    35mm door blank

    Got this really odd shaped door that needs replacing so need a 35mm slab that can be cut to any size.
  8. Richieduliban87

    35mm door blank

    35mm fire doors exist, just not a door blank one as far as I’ve seen so far
  9. Richieduliban87

    35mm door blank

    Does anyone know where I could fine a 35mm door blank? A 35mm solid wood that can be cut to any size. I found a 44 but not a 35:
  10. Richieduliban87

    scotia trim tongue tite screws

    Yes will all be painted after anyways
  11. Richieduliban87

    scotia trim tongue tite screws

    I used tongue tite screws instead of nails/pins when installing scotia trim. Will there be any issues?
  12. Richieduliban87

    Roof hatch hinge

    But how can I stop the hatch rotating too far. I’d ideally want it to go only 90 degrees. If it rotates 180 will be hard to reach it to close it on way down.
  13. Richieduliban87

    Roof hatch hinge

    At the moment I have to put my hands on the ply and push it upwards and to one side for roof access but there’s a danger of it falling off the roof if pushed by someone the wrong side so better to have a hinge.
  14. Richieduliban87

    Roof hatch hinge

    Yes exactly
  15. Richieduliban87

    Roof hatch hinge

    Do you know what is the correct hinge to use for this roof hatch so that it can be rotated 90-135 degrees upwards to allow roof access. At the moment it is not fixed. The lighter wood is part of the hatch. Cant seem to find any hidges that wont do the full 360.
  16. Richieduliban87

    tighten flexible hose

    What is the best way to nip up a flexible hose (1/2") onto a tap when there isn't enough room to use an adjustable spanner. I am thinking a 24x25mm box spanner but is there another trick I could use?
  17. Richieduliban87

    Tongue and groove floorboards in loft

    Yea I’ll use tongue tight screws. The joists already have wooden battens on top of them so will screw to them. It is definitely more expensive and there are substantial off cuts but will try to use them elsewhere. It’s more of a loft room so would be good to have a wood stained finish.
  18. Richieduliban87

    Tongue and groove floorboards in loft

    Can you use tongue and groove floorboards for the loft flooring over the joints instead of loft boards? Is the only reason they are not used is for cost purposes? Got several flights of stairs and floorboards would be less bulky and heavy to carry. Am thinking of these ones...
  19. Richieduliban87

    shower enclosure

    So you push it into the wet silicone? Does that always work well or do u sometimes need to add a bit?