Search results

  1. Scoop-20

    Latex Mattress For Bad Back?

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention they're expensive. Latex mattresses are not cheap. Especially the organic ones. But does anyone really need an organic mattress at the end of the day?
  2. Scoop-20

    Latex Mattress For Bad Back?

    Been doing a bit of reading up on latex mattresses. Looks like they are a good choice for spinal alignment and pain relief. Along with quite a few other benefits, see here latex mattress benefits. Spinal alignment would be key to relieving back pain and the bounce makes it easier to move...
  3. Scoop-20


    beautiful little creatures Bodd
  4. Scoop-20

    Latex Mattress For Bad Back?

    Hi there fellow DIYers. I’m looking for some advice on the best type of mattress to get for a sore back. I slipped a disk in my lower back about 6 months ago. Pure agony! And have been attending physio for months now. Things have been slowly improving, thank god. Anyway, about mattresses. I...
  5. Scoop-20

    Where is truss?

    Had to google that date just to be sure - Brexit referendum
  6. Scoop-20

    Where is truss?

    She's on shaky ground. Could be one of the shortest stays in Number 10 ever!
  7. Scoop-20

    Cars with no noise.

    That's the first i heard about these 'white noise' sirens. Interesting.
  8. Scoop-20

    Laminated flooring cowboy job by builder

    And then you're left with a savage clean up and repair bill :(
  9. Scoop-20

    Laminated flooring cowboy job by builder

    That is terrible TripleXXX :(
  10. Scoop-20


    Those dogs are so cute But the jobes about your DIY skills have me in stitches. :)
  11. Scoop-20

    Kitchen Tap - Leaking/Cheap Fix?

    Thanks fellas much appreciated. I got the tap. The local hardware store were able to id the right one from a photo. Now, it's time to get a professional in.
  12. Scoop-20

    Kitchen Tap - Leaking/Cheap Fix?

    Our kitchen tap is leaking. It's a mixer tap and it's just the hot tap that has the problem. It's also very hard to turn it off. I'm guessing a rubber seal has perished inside. The cheapest new tap of the same kind I can find is £55. Should I go ahead and buy one of these or call the...
  13. Scoop-20

    What silicone

    I think we used white silicone. Colour may have faded a little over time.
  14. Scoop-20

    Private parking shake up

    Good to see the fine capped at £50. The £100 fine was just ridiculous!
  15. Scoop-20

    Laminate Worktop Advice

    ...any word on the warranty?
  16. Scoop-20

    Unrealistic wish list for driveway cameras?

    On going costs and risk of the cloud being hacked, as has happened in the past. There is also the legal question as to whether the CCTV owner has the necessary control over the stored data that he or she put into the cloud storage, ...just fire it up to your G-Drive. Lots of storage, google...
  17. Scoop-20

    Unrealistic wish list for driveway cameras?

    Would you not send the data to the cloud as opposed to a local SSD??
  18. Scoop-20

    Laminate Worktop Advice

    Have you considered using wood stain to protect against water damage?
  19. Scoop-20


    Benny.... are sleepers those heavy timber beams you can use to encase a garden? It's a very neat and tidy look