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  1. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Just tried a warm iron over numerous patches of these spots on the walls and it made no difference, when lifting the iron away the appearance was exactly the same
  2. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Also in regards to humidity, even with the dehumidifier running all day it doesn't seem to have slowed it down showing up on random places on each wall, we do turn it off at night however for the noise
  3. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    No health issues to speak of with it, and my partner has dried items of clothing indoors before, we've recently got a condenser dryer so that's stopped the need for doing it as the previous dryer was in a place where it couldn't be ventilated properly, the bathroom extractor fan does work but...
  4. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Yes Justin I meant to type dehumidifier, I didn't realise that was a typo, I'll have a look with an iron tonight and feedback what effect that has, I do have some spirit based paints etc I just didn't want to paint over it and hide an issue etc that may need sorting
  5. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Solid plaster, the house was built in the 30s I believe and is cavity walls, and there's no render on the outside its just brickwork. Yes it's really strange, as I say nothing seems to get rid of it, I could probably paint over it but without knowing what the issue is, it could just start to...
  6. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Not to my knowledge, we've lived in the house a couple of years now and it's just been over the last 6 months or so it's happened, the walls were white originally when we moved in before we painted anything and there was nothing showing at the time, as you say it doesn't look like typical mould...
  7. L

    Spots appearing on interior Walls

    Hi all, over the past few months we've had spots appearing on all 4 of our bedroom walls, I'm just wondering if anybody has had similar resolved the issue? It's on the first floor, the room does suffer from high humidity and we get a lot of condensation on the windows, we've recently started...