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  1. K

    Manhole re-benched - Is this acceptable

    They haven't rebenched the manhole or installed a replacement piece of pipe at correct level. Looks like they have lined atop the old pipe beneath with section of modern plastic 110 pipe. I would get it redone
  2. K

    Neighbour Roof Issue. Their repair surely.

    where does the alignment of the party wall sit in relation to the step in the roof? that should be more definitive
  3. K

    What’s wrong with this DRIVEWAY

    What did you discuss and ask them to do? What was you expecting to happen with the levels? Would you be happy with a sloping driveway towards the house? Sounds like some communication didnt happen here
  4. K

    Should water be permanently gathered under fascia?

    what is the silver tape along the edge? looks like its covering or bodging in for something?
  5. K

    MOT Type 1

    I would take as lesson learned and let it be, and worry about bigger fish on the horizon. If this was the only thing to worry about you've got a smashing builder but in reality there will no doubt be something more important to focus on coming up rather than trip yourself up with delays and...
  6. K

    MOT Type 1

    Definitely not primary type 1 I.e. virgin Stone. Looks more recycled . What does the delivery or supply ticket say
  7. K

    Wall prep before tiling best practice

    surely you want the best possible way to keep the tiles on the wall for the longest and strongest method
  8. K

    Victorian bay footings

    I would suspect the concrete is more modern over pouring - but maybe the bricks you are finding is original step foundation beneath the concrete topping, which is the original bay foundation? I would break concrete from the top down to expose bricks rather than undermining it like you have
  9. K

    Months Of DIY Work Destroyed In 2 Days...

    What are you actually gonna do here? Why not get some stone or some proper fire rated board and affix to sides. Whatever plaster products you have will need painting and maybe the heat with the paint will be similar issue
  10. K

    Nailing Concrete Roof Tiles

    How much extra effort is it for an extra nail a tile versus tile repairs Next big storm ??
  11. K

    Months Of DIY Work Destroyed In 2 Days...

    I think looking for tradesmen on facebook is a recipe for disaster. cannot imagine any reputable or busy plasterers scouring facebook for work. Normally start ups or chancers
  12. K

    Months Of DIY Work Destroyed In 2 Days...

    The plug sockets just shows a lack of care and respect - for a few minutes each room just shows lack of respect especially when you discussed this with them
  13. K

    Structural Correction of old roof

    maybe some pole plate type timbers laid in the corners to tie the ceiling joists and rafters together? so get your triangle that way?
  14. K

    Steel Beam Installation on Engineering Bricks

    Yes its B2 not B1
  15. K

    Steel beam covered with plastic sheeting?

    Was gonna say it looks like a newsagents. Terrible brickwork. What is he hiding ???
  16. K

    Best way to apply brick acid to brickwork and hip tiles

    Maybe it would be easier to remove and replace the top Ridge tile with a better fit and smaller mortar joint? Or some kind of extra over the top saddle flashing to tidy it up as an alternative. Bit wouldn't worry me tbh
  17. K

    Gaps around new floor boards

    Do you have solid wall construction in the kitchen area? It is not good for the floorboards or joists to touch the wall as it can cause rot, either from condensation running down the walls or damp coming through the wall or up from the ground, atleast in my house. I dont see why you couldnt use...
  18. K

    Handrail fix

    Maybe a trim piece of wood instead?
  19. K

    What is the right course of action here?

    do you have any photos? if the hearth has cracked must be inadequate support below?
  20. K

    Nail gun to fix skirting to masonry

    Why not use sticks like ****