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  1. B

    Chimney flashing inside attic filling up with water

    I found that the flashing on the upturned side where my hole and drainpipe is was bent down causing the water to fall back and fill up the tray then overflow into my attic. So I bent the tray right back up creating a fall forward for the water to go out the 4th turned down side and filled the...
  2. B

    Chimney flashing inside attic filling up with water

    Thanks datarebal. I see what you mean. I came across this picture using your word [flashing] tray and like you say it should drain out the front 4th side which isn’t upturned. I’ll find the weep holes and get them cleared out, then fill the hole in the upturned flashing. Hoping that cures the...
  3. B

    Chimney flashing inside attic filling up with water

    I’ve had a leak on my chimney since I moved in 10 years ago. There’s this flashing that’s upturned creating a gutter. This gutter fills with water and overflows. So years ago I drilled a hole in it and placed some speedfit beneath and sent the water off to the soffit. It’s a really strange one...