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  1. D

    Infuriating leak

    Hello. Thanks for your reply. The issue isn't resolved...yet however I'm 90% sure of the main cause and you're spot on. To cut a long story short, when we moved in a builder who was doing some work for us took down an old chimney stack as it was (seemingly) of no use anymore. What we have...
  2. D

    Infuriating leak

    I don't think so but I've no idea to be honest
  3. D

    Infuriating leak

    Sorry I wasn't being an arse. I just meant I don't know what it is and I assume you would probably have a better idea
  4. D

    Infuriating leak

    You tell me?? I have no idea. I assume it's an overflow from an old water tank?
  5. D

    Infuriating leak

    I've considered it but it definitely is worse when it rains
  6. D

    Infuriating leak

    That's a good shout. Wouldn't there be some signs inside the loft then? Drips off membrane or at least signs of moisture? There no real signs of wet around the flue inside but maybe just after it towards join with the flat roof. The problem is it's so hard to get in to have a look inside. I've...
  7. D

    Infuriating leak

    There isn't any signs of water there exterior or interior. It's a different room from where the leak appears
  8. D

    Infuriating leak

    Thanks. The roofer put fibreglass all the way across under the tile that meets the flat roof. I also thought the gutter might be overflowing but I've been up there in heavy rain and there's no obvious signs of any water getting in
  9. D

    Infuriating leak

    Hello. I apologise if this should be in a more appropriate thread. I had a look but couldn't find one. Tearing my hair out here about this leak which proceeds from roof into bedroom, down same column to kitchen on one side and dining room on the other. The roof was replaced two years ago and was...