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  1. L

    How to rectify this godawful plasterboard bodge?

    Thanks and you might well be right.. but knowing the previous owner, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he somehow found a thicker board than the wall's and just stuck it in there! I guess my key question is: Assuming I've removed the blockage first, how do you get a piece of board back in...
  2. L

    How to rectify this godawful plasterboard bodge?

    Yet another issue to solve in the house that I've bought :LOL: It doesn't look too big in the photo, but this is a pretty large protuding plasterboard bodge that's somehow been fixed into the wall of our lounge. Originally I was seeing if I could smooth over the edges with polyfilla (see the...
  3. L

    How to make good this old brick wall

    Superb. Thank you!
  4. L

    How to make good this old brick wall

    Thanks for this! It's not listed although neighbouring properties are. Ultimately given that we'll be painting over it, I'm not looking for a 100% authentic restoration in terms of techniques. Is there anything simpler than lime mortar to use and is cutting bricks easy?
  5. L

    How to make good this old brick wall

    Hi All, I moved into a Georgian house last year and am slowly undoing the previous occupant's DIY disasters. I'm no expert, but he's given me a low watermark to beat. One of my tasks is fixing an old chimney wall on the first floor. Prior to these holes below, there was a solid, off-white...
  6. L

    Bong bing bong.........bong bing bong......

    Are you sure it's definitely an app? If you have a lot of tabs open in your browser, and if you've set your tabs to reopen from last time every time you boot, it may be a webpage. Common culprits are Chat windows from company pages that are trying to get your attention. If you think this...