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  1. I

    Loft conversion insulation

    Thank you, my rafters are only 100mm in depth, so not much room to put PIR board in there as I need a 50mm airgap also, What was i was hoping to do was the multifoil then battens (for airgap, then 57.5mm warm board onto the battens, which is about 50mm of insulation, I guess I could stuff...
  2. I

    Loft conversion insulation

    Thanks for reply, so by the time you ensure the airgaps are there there isn't any space saving and therefor some form of PIR board is a better option? But it is easier to install and quicker? as not cutting the insulation board to fit between each rafter.
  3. I

    Loft conversion insulation

    Hi There, I'm a bit lost and hoping for some advice, about to convert our attic to an office essentially, I am being advised numerous options for insulation, Ceiling insulated with Super foil multi layer insulation, 52mm warm board & plastered. Walls insulated with 150mm Earth wool...