Search results

  1. T

    Cast soil stack?

    Hello all Could anyone tell me the best method to connect into a cast soil stack? I'm trying to convert a garage into a granny flat and need to join the new toilet, basin and shower waste pipes into it. I don't want to replace it all because it passes through the flat roof of the garage and i...
  2. T

    Mira Sport problems?

    I've got a 6 year old Mira sport 7.5kw that can only lukewarm at best. Even when its on its on the hottest setting its still not good enough. The pressure seems to of dropped off even though it was never great. Is it a case of replacing the whole thing or do mira supply parts to correct these...
  3. T

    Shower pump in loft or airing cupboard??

    I have an existing gravity fed shower in the en-suite and i'm fitting another shower in the main bathroom above the bath. I was hoping to use existing shower hot and cold feeds in the loft, and feed them into a pump. From the pump i would T-off to each shower. Is this possible???? I think...
  4. T

    Shower pump problems??

    Hi all 4 years ago i had a new shower fitted in my en-suite, it has a pump under the bath in the main bathroom. The shower itself has a fixed shower head, body jets and a flexible hose. When it was first fitted i could run all 3 features at once, now it 1 at a time and the pressure is not...