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  1. T

    Leaking Concrete Roof

    One layer of a cheap torch-on felt should do you for that amount of time...You'll only need a gas bottle,gun,knife and scraper and away you go.....You may also need a concrete primer....
  2. T


    Ring a couple of local roofing companies(best if you can get any recommendations,some dodgy tar monkeys out there :wink: ) and see what bullox,sorry I mean what advice they can give....Its almost impossible to give any what it might cost advice over the internet,especially without any area size...
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    flatroof refelting

    Well put it this way,in the past ten years( been in the game over 27 years) of flat roofing I can count on the fingers of one hand how many jobs I've gritted....Whereas mineral finished roofs are concerned it must run into the hundreds,so doesn't that indicate that chippings are a thing of the...
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    flatroof refelting

    Stone chippings are a thing of the past!....Mineral finish is what you want,a decent quality 2 layer system will do the job..
  5. T

    Advice on using a GAS TORCH for roofing felt (torch gum)

    First thing make sure you've got a fire extinguisher or at least a bucket of water handy.... The melting point depends on which type or which manufacturers materials you're useing.....A full specification of what you intend doing to the roof would help....Are you doing a full torch-on system...