Search results

  1. P

    Loft Boarding - Insulation options

    I think this may be more of a personal preference / practicality issue - Cross-battens would provide more rigidity to the mounted plasterboard, reducing the chances and extent of any sagging in the future. Inline battens may make it easier to fill the space with insulation. Just my opinion...
  2. P

    Loft Boarding - Insulation options

    Thanks to everyone for their comments so far This is probably the crux of the issue - I basically want a "warm loft", with fairly stable temperatures and humidity. At present, the loft is too warm, probably due to a combination of heat rising from below and the effect of the sun on the roof...
  3. P

    Do my joists need strengthening before laying loft boards?

    This will not be a converted room as such, but will be used as storage space for the usual household stuff. This will include boxes of books and items of equipment such as computers, tv, hifi etc. I guess this would amount to a "medium" load... ? However, people (well, probably just me as...
  4. P

    Do my joists need strengthening before laying loft boards?

    I will soon be laying down some T&G loft boards. Before I do that, I need to know if the joists would need strengthening. The joists are 120*32mm cross-sections (420mm joist centres),supporting the ceilings below, spanning approximately 10m in total. These joists presumably rest on the...
  5. P

    Loft Boarding - Insulation options

    Dear all, Having read through the entire list of comments here I have gained some idea of what I think I should do, but thought I\\\'d try and get some confirmation from the list. I have a number of computers that need to remain on 24/7/365 and would like to locate these in the loft. As a...