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  1. R

    Fireplace removal - price?

    Can someone tell me if this price seems OK to fix our open firelpace? The last peopple in our house put a mantlepiece in that is too wide for the chimney breast and just put breeze blocks or something at the side of the chimney up to the hight of the mantlepiece so it would fit, and papered it...
  2. R

    Damp in inside of exterior wall

    Hi, does anyone know how long this will take to dry out if I've eliminated the source of the damp? My outside pebbledashed wall had a few thin cracks in it and I noticed the wallpaper inside was peeling, but the plaster looks OK. I think I've covered the cracks. Now I want to start painting the...
  3. R

    Whisting whiney noise in radiators or pipes

    Does anyone know why my bathroom radiator upstairs emits a really annoying high pitched whine? Is it just air? I'm looking forward to a decent nights sleep if I can fix this...Thanks
  4. R

    How to fix flashing to a pebbledash wall?

    Thanks very much Masona, I'll have to get an angle grinder from somewhere, or hire someone who has one. At least I'll be able to check what they do is OK now! I preume the screw frinto the wall won't make a leak?
  5. R

    How to fix flashing to a pebbledash wall?

    Please does anyone know how to do this as I am sick of my porch letting in water! Thanks to anyone with ideas suggestions