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    duff old boiler

    no im not talking about softus :wink: i have to look at a lady's boiler. ive been told that she has to get up at night to fill up the central heating system/loop.... and, that hot water takes ages to come through on the hot water side. i know nothing about old boilers (except...
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    tefal quick cup

    tefal quick cup 8) ive just bought one of these quick tea making things. it is brilliant, it would be spot on for small site work. no hanging around for the kettle. #ps, i dont work for tefal, i just think the outlay will be covered by time saved.. have a look... hope this is ok mods
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    will an alternator running at 15 volts burn out an ECU. ford focus. been told the alternator needs changing because its making to much voltage (fair enough) but it has been suggested that this causes a stalling problem. i cant see that bit but my concern is the ecu if the alternator is...
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    spinal fusion

    anyone out there had their spine fused? ive not long had mine done and i was wondering how much i will be affected. it feels really good at the moment. i have been told i could still do building work and i know of two bricklayers who said they can still work, ive also spoken to an office...