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  1. T

    10mm cable for shower - Why?

    I suppose if manufacturers made these shower units with switches, thermostats and wiring that were far more substantial, the units would last forever and put electricians and plumbers and shower manufacturers ( and myself )out of business.Washing machines,dishwahers etc have all suffered from...
  2. T

    Wylex plug in mcb\\\'s

    saleem2000. thanks for the piccy.My new mcbs are similar but the bases that came with them are not the same as they have a recess in the plastic where the mcb butts up to the base ( just enough room to get a screwdriver in ).Perhaps its a new method of reducing the population.I suppose the next...
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    Wylex plug in mcb\\\'s

    Thanks for the info all.The interesting thing is that the new mcb,s came with new bases which are the ones that produce a gap.The old bases dont fit at all.I think it is a design issue which surprises me coming from a reputable company such as wylex.The daft thing is that someone in their design...
  4. T

    Wylex plug in mcb\\\'s

    I have two wylex standard cu's ( 3 way and 4 way ) which are about 25 years old and I have purchased wylex plug in mcb's to replace the rewireable fuses.There is a gap of 5mm between the new mcb and its carrier which exposes the live mcb connector.The base of the mcb where it pushes into its new...