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    replacement valve

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start by replacing the thermocouple - that's the most common failure point. Add some inhibitor to the system to be on the safe side - look for an old carton or bottle in the loft to see which inhibitor was last...
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    replacement valve

    If a Corgi Registered Installer was to install a replacement part that was not the specified part would it be contravening British Gas regulations
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    Flashing around a soil vent pipe

    what type of tile are you sealing. if they are interlocking tiles you will find it difficult to dress anything under the sides of these .Slates are a different thickness so you may be able to do an underlap with them. tyvek is very good at stopping water so it may not be so obvious for a while...
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    Flashing around a soil vent pipe

    soakers are not that simple , what you got to do is think about water. it can get anywhere. if the soaker can lay on top of the tile and have a comfortable margin around the hole IE 75-100mm then a good silicone sealent should do the trick.we use a product called tremsil but just check the...
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    replacement valve

    hi there can a gas valve be replaced on a baxi bermuda boiler with a valve of a similar spec or does this contravene British Gas regulations. the valve is a new spec called ZEVS15 slow opening valve made by Banico Manchester.( which is not available to the public yet) to replace a stevens...
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    loft isulation help please

    hi there just seen your post. you should have a gap between the slates and the insulation of about 50 mm to let the timbers breath. sometimes mould growth can be caused by lack of air circulation. also could you fit rigid insulation board instead and still leave a gap. you may be able to fit...
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    stevens valve for baxi bermuda

    will give google a try, thank you.
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    stevens valve for baxi bermuda

    16 C 523-2 is on side also 6922
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    stevens valve for baxi bermuda

    can you get a replacement selonoid for a baxi bermuda anywhere. if not is there a substitute valve that can be used.
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    I once tried to repair a leak after draining down the system and still had a leak afterwards, because water remained in the pipe and the heat caused steam which stopped the weld from working. since then I always make sure there is no water nearby. dismantle the joint and renew the fitting as it...
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    pipes vibrating and making a noise but boiler is off

    Hi there I had a problem with noisy pipes and found water dripping in to the header tank making the the ball valve bounce causing vibration in the pipes which were not secure I change the ball valve to a bottom feed silent type and the problem stopped.