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    Splitter or a 2 way amp?

    Could you recommend a multiplexer that is nto too expensive but still does a good job.
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    Splitter or a 2 way amp?

    It came with some cable, not sure what sort but was black and has silver on the inside to shield the signal. I noticed that the 2 way splitters on have 12db, where as my 1 way amp has about 21db, will this make the signal less? I also want to put an FM aerial in the loft to receive FM on...
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    Splitter or a 2 way amp?

    The aerial i have at the moment is one out of screwfix with a built in masthead amp. It is a 1 way amp on it but i want to supply 2 rooms with the aerial and want them to be as good quality as each other. I currently have it like this, cable from aerial runs downstairs to Tv there, i have a...
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    Hardwiring a Response SU6 Siren

    I was thinking of maybe having it charge for 1/2 hour a day? will this keep it topped up?
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    Hardwiring a Response SU6 Siren

    Could i not get a charger for it and leave it on being as it is only trickle charging it once it is full?
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    Hardwiring a Response SU6 Siren

    I have a wireless alarm from response and i would like to hard wire the siren box as the sun does not catch it enough, It has a 7.5 Vdc jack socket inside that is for charging the battery up if it goes flat, can i just put 7.5v to this permently and this will keep the battery charged? Its a 6v...