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  1. M

    installing an shower extractor Fan with timer, plus max &amp

    Dear all, after installing myself out automatic gates, I thought maybe I might be able to handle installing a simple extractor fan ..... boy was I wrong !!!!! I am completely lost and am hoping that someone somehwere out there might kindly take the time to explain to me what I need to do as...
  2. M

    Sink waste 41mm ????????

    Hi everyone, I've just come to install a large stone sink in our little bathroom, only to find that the waste hole measures 41mm .... as you can imagine, i'm not best pleased. : ( I am only aware of waste traps measuring the 'standard' 42mm, does anyone have any ideas on how I can solve...
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    Looking for some stable advice ....

    OK, PLEASE no more stable jokes permitted after this point .... We are at the planning phase of an exciting new project, which is installing two internal stables in a barn that adjoins our house. Unfortunately the third of the barn which we would like to place the stables has a soil...
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    How can I heat my wetroom without eletrocuting myself?

    Merry Christmas Everyone! :D I'm in the proccess of adding a wetroom to our house. The wet end of the room is finished. But I have yet to finish the dryer end with the sink, wc in it. I've got a floating WC and I'm a bit scared about fixing it to the wall, but that's a whole other...
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    What to do, or not to do, with my bathroom walls !

    HI everyone. Many thanks for all of the great info available here. It's a gold mine! I am installing a shower-room from scratch. I have two walls to sort out. The rest is being tiled. One of these walls is render onto the outside stone wall (It's a stone built house). This wall...
  6. M

    Shower Tray Logistics: what lies beneath + plumbing acess?

    Hi, I'm in the process of making a shower room. I'd be grateful for some help with the following issues: The room measures approx 3m long by 1m60 wide. The floor is 3/4 oak boards (approx 15 years young, very good nick), 1/4 concrete. 1. We would like to install a shower tray onto...
  7. M

    Floating seat within shower

    Dear all, I am in the process of creating a shower room. I would like to include a floating seat in the shower, a sort of perch, shelf-like seat. where do I start? The wall in question is a brick wall, covered in render, the bricks are the kind wich are hollow inside, i'm not sure of...
  8. M

    Faulty wiring from a two way switch or maybe a polterguist?

    Hi everyone. A plea for help! I don't believe in polterguists, so I'm sure that it is my dodgy wiring that is at fault. I have recently changed over some lighting in our kitchen. We have a double switch that controls (a) two internal pendant lights anfd (b) an external lamp, just outside...