stop tap

  1. P

    Replacing Old Stop Tap on Old Imperial Pipe

    Morning All, My Stop Tap has seized up and the good old spanner and lubracating spray hasnt helped. Ive attached an image as its a bit of a dogs dinner and will need a lot of tidying up (plumbing under the sink is a right mess). The layout: 1) What appears to be 1 inch black imperial pipe...
  2. G

    How do I replace this stop tap?

    Morning, I need to replace the stop tap shown as the handle has snapped off and its seized anyway. Can I replace the handle and 'insides' or does it need a whole new tap? The pipes look imperial size? Cheers.
  3. P

    Internal Stop Tap

    Hi, Currently my internal stop tap isn't working. When it's fully closed it hardly reduces the flow of water. I'm be been told it's likely that the washer had gone. Where would you get a replacement washer from and would I just ask for a 15mn stop tap washer? Any tips for doing the repair...