Bandwidth throttling.

The ICS gateway machine is effectively a router. It will have two ip addresses, the public one for the modem and the private network gateway address (which with ICS, needs to be ICS does the network translation and acts as a DHCP server so clients can receive dynamic ip addresses. Static ip works too, but as far as I am aware, you need to configure the 192.168.0 subnet.

In theory then, you could limit the bandwidth of the LAN ip addresses
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Cut to the chase gents ... Are you saying, the software probably can not do what it claims ... ie. govern the bandwidth and/or net throughput of the subsidary machines ? ;)
It looks like it has the potential to do what you want, but play with the trial before buying it. Let us know how you get on as I might set up a proxy to control the kids :D
Proxy child minder .... Termed a wife to the rest of us !! Or is it the other way round ?

Network .. Whoa, only at thought stage currently, just grabbed Norton Ghost for £9.99 (V.8) the new V.9 not compatable with Win98se.
But, if i progress I will of course come back on it and relate the tale .. ;)
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pipme said:
Proxy child minder .... Termed a wife to the rest of us !! Or is it the other way round ?

Network .. Whoa, only at thought stage currently, just grabbed Norton Ghost for £9.99 (V.8) the new V.9 not compatable with Win98se.
But, if i progress I will of course come back on it and relate the tale .. ;)

Is anything compatible with Win 98 SE ?
One further thing you'll want to consider / look out for when trialling the software is performance degradation of the machine. The only software like this that I've used was a software bride used to connect a token ring LAN to an ethernet LAN, when the traffic was heavy, the machine was chugging pretty badly. Just a thought to bear in mind.

A software bride ???? I think I meant bridge