Building Permit

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
My Building Permit

I just applied for a building permit for a new house.

It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 turrets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system.

It would have parking for 200 cars and I was going to paint it snot green with tatty pink trim.

The City Council told me to f --- off.

So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a Mosque.

Work starts on Monday...
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just re-apply to another council and they'll rubber stamp it for you..
that's what the mosque lot did round by us..
we got it stopped because it was planned to be taller than the church which is the highest point around for miles, so they appealed to bristol who just rubber stamped the application without sending anyone up to see the site or plans or anything..
it WILL NOT get built though..
first time thy break ground there will be about 500 gallons of pigs blood sprayed all over the site, and I dare say a few dozen pigs will manage to break into the site during it's construction..
maybe even a few set in the concrete foundations...
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