Cheap As Calculators

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
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[spoken through gritted teeth]It's supposed to be on auto-focus mode...
[/spoken through gritted teeth]
auto focus doesnt do well enough for macro - you have to use the setting - on all cameras.

By the way, did the Sainsburys manager mind you going around taking photographs of his wonky SELs and magazines?
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Terry McGinty gave me his personal permission!

Of course not...I just take photos and hang the consequences.

Actually, that reminds me of my first job in retail in 1985. I worked in Shopper's Paradise (an offshoot of Fine Fare) in Wythenshawe and we used to go on secret missions to the big Co-op across the precinct to write down their prices!

We were more often than not kicked out!!!

Anyway, never mind the shelf-edge labels, their facing-up was rubbish considering it had just opened & their mobile display was utter pants!

There were no tokens for any of the handsets and hardly any prices. And if that was because they were out of stock, there were no OOS labels, either. Utter rubbish, Terry. Must try harder.
Anyway, never mind the shelf-edge labels, their facing-up was rubbish considering it had just opened & their mobile display was utter pants!

There were no tokens for any of the handsets and hardly any prices. And if that was because they were out of stock, there were no OOS labels, either. Utter rubbish, Terry. Must try harder.
Sainsburys for you. Doncaster Frenchgate one is like this too. I put it down to being a smaller town centre store, thus very busy, a lot of footfall, a lot of customers per sqm, but I reckon store standards is something Sainsburys dont do very well.

Tokens? Handsets? :confused:
Don't know about shop displays, I want a T-shirt that has on the back a slogan such as;


Lost count of how many times I have joined the shortest queue at a checkout only to see every other queue moving faster!
I could walk into a checkout with only one person being served and I can guaranttee the one next to it will get through a dozen shoppers before I get seen!

"(Over the tannoy: Customer Service? Customer Service? Can you get me a price for a packet of super sized Tampax please?")

Meanwhile the girl buying them is behind the rack holding the carrier bags, with her head bent down, packing her shopping so it looks like I am buying them! :oops: :oops:
I park my car at the remotest part of the supermarket carpark, but when I come out, there are ALWAYS 2 cars parked either side of me, within a whisker of the doors. WHY WHY WHY??? I have LONG doors, as it's a coupe, you have a 4 door, I can't get in!
"(Over the tannoy: Customer Service? Customer Service? Can you get me a price for a packet of super sized Tampax please?")

Meanwhile the girl buying them is behind the rack holding the carrier bags, with her head bent down, packing her shopping so it looks like I am buying them! :oops: :oops:

nothing wrong with that.. it's the..... ( er...... what do we call this decade? it can't be the "teenies" until 2013..? ) after all.

they're also very handy to have in a first aid kit.. beats the heck out of gauze any day.. ( "" goes on and "...on's" go in don't they? )
This happened to me last week in a Tesco's. After many years of getting in the shortest que only to find it took longer to get served. I waited next to an unattended till. The tannoy rang out and within 1 minute a till -don't you think so?- angel appeared and I was served. :) :) I was estatic. After years of abuse I finally got revenge.

On another occassion I was in the que with Mums and kids and one particular child of a worldly nature started screaming for sweets. Mum repeatadly refused him until he rang out at the top of his foice " If you don't get me any sweets I'll tell Daddy what you were doing with Uncle Phil's willy last night" :LOL:
that would look great for a nose-bleed.......
My ex-MIL had 6 sons and woe-betide any of them who admitted to having earache - she would put a sanitary towel with a loop either end strapped round their head to 'keep their ear warm' :eek: :eek:

That's got to be one of the weirdest home remedies I've ever heard of :LOL:
I park my car at the remotest part of the supermarket carpark, but when I come out, there are ALWAYS 2 cars parked either side of me, within a whisker of the doors. WHY WHY WHY??? I have LONG doors, as it's a coupe, you have a 4 door, I can't get in!
Everyone's out to get you :rolleyes:
I park my car at the remotest part of the supermarket carpark, but when I come out, there are ALWAYS 2 cars parked either side of me, within a whisker of the doors. WHY WHY WHY??? I have LONG doors, as it's a coupe, you have a 4 door, I can't get in!
Everyone's out to get you :rolleyes:
Park across two bays. Nobody is gonna park right up to you then. ;)

(unless they are really stupid)
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