
8 Mar 2009
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United Kingdom
Travelling to work very early this morning, I came across a young girl (late teens) thumbing a lift.
She was on a quiet, unlit country road (it was still dark), and she was dressed in dark clothing.
It would appear she had been drinking heavily.

My dilemma was, do I drive past her and hope she gets home ok, and then spend the rest of the day worrying about her, or even worse,open the local paper tonight to find she's been hit by a car.

Do I let my paternal instinct take over, (I have two daughters around that age) pick her up, and make sure she gets home safely, running the risk of
(a) The girl making unpleasant accusations against me.
(b) Her throwing up in my car.

What would [/b]youdo?

I'll let you know tomorrow ;)
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you've got to watch out for the 2 guys hiding behind the hedge to car-jack you when you stop to do the good samaritan thing..
Get on your mobile, assuming you have it with you, and call the police.
Wait a safe distance away keeping an eye on her and wait till they come and pick her up.
Happened to me once and coppoer said I did the right thing.
I used always to pick up hitchhikers, but rarely do nowadays; however I do try to help people who appear to be in genuine need.

There's always a risk in helping people, ranging from being conned to putting yourself in real danger. But it's a sad state of affairs we're in if we can only think of our own comfort and convenience and not of the needs of others.

I'd be inclined in those circumstances to stop and offer help, but to ask a few pertinent questions before offering a lift. This gives you time to weigh up the situation and make a more considered decision on what to do.

Bear in mind that the police will usually only stir themselves if they're told the person in question is a minor. So, in the dark (as you were) you wouldn't necessarily have to say it was an 'older' teenager if you phoned them.

(I once picked up two girls at 2.00 am. When I asked where they wanted to go, they said they didn't know. I took them to a police station; it was only because one was under 16 that the police agreed to look after them.)
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You have to be very careful when picking up women that you don't put your back out.
Well, here's what happend-

I wound the window down, and judged that she was ok

I took her home, and she told me that she was celebrating her A level results and that she had had a row with her boyfriend and stormed off in a huff.

I walked her to her door and made sure she was ok, she asked me for my phone number so that she could thank me later when she had sobered up, so I gave her a business card and went to work.

Lo and behold.....

At lunchtime, my phone rang, and it was the girl in question, full of thanks, and apologising profusely for her earlier state.

So there, that just goes to show there are still some good'ns out there :D

I'm off to dignitas now though because I have NO thanks on my profile :(
Thanks also from me. ;)
But as an aside, I would have asked her to phone or text her boyfriend that she arrived home safe.

Well, here's what happend-

I wound the window down, and judged that she was ok

I took her home, and she told me that she was celebrating her A level results and that she had had a row with her boyfriend and stormed off in a huff.

I walked her to her door and made sure she was ok, she asked me for my phone number so that she could thank me later when she had sobered up, so I gave her a business card and went to work.

Lo and behold.....
Or is it the start of an erotic jackie collins novel......
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