Funny Dreams Lately

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
The other day I woke up, realising that I was chatting about IR testing a faulty lighting circuit in a pub.

In my dream, I was explaining to the landlord how I would bell out the circuit.

Today, I woke up at 0545, having had a series of strange dreams including our cat drowning in a bizarre accident (he is currently wearing a cone of shame and in my dream I had run the sink tap for him to drink from, but his cone filled up with water (!!) ) another where I was knifed through the sternum and a third where someone stole our moped (we don't own one...).

Each time, I sat bolt upright in bed after the dream and asked Mrs Secure WTF was going on. Of course, she didn't have a clue and was a bit annoyed at me waking her up.

I can assure you no cheese was harmed prior to the making of these dreams!

Is it just these unusual times we are in at the moment? Is anybody else having strange dreams lately?
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My wife who can drop off to sleep the second her head touches the pillow has been having real trouble getting to sleep/waking up several times a night/having bad dreams. She is putting it down to worry about the virus situation and she’s especially worried for the safety of our children and Grandson. :(
I’m on my 4th brew already today. The wife who could normally sleep for England has made them all!. She is the worrier in the house and is taking the life changes quite hard. But I received the Martin Lewis update only an hour ago about the government help for us and after reading what’s available to us in the near future things aren’t as bad as what she thought. The word on everybody’s lips will be FAIRLOUGH , look it up it’s very interesting.
you know them mini pork pies (usually come in a party pack of 6) - they often appear in my dreams. Pack of six washed down with a pint of milk - just perfect.
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you know them mini pork pies (usually come in a party pack of 6) - they often appear in my dreams. Pack of six washed down with a pint of milk - just perfect.
As long as they are proper Melton Mowbray ones.
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