is the latest Apprentice loser a bona fide news item?



why the hell does the latest reject from the reality tv show - the apprentice - get a spot on the BBC news the next morning?

It's not news... it's manufactured entertainment.... and if that is news, then why are they discriminating against X factor, can you dance?, can you skate?, Big Brother, America's Next Top Model, who wants to be Maria, A job like Joseph etc and all the other complete dross we're fed as quality TV?
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it only becomes bona-fide when someone thinks it so important that it must be shared on an internet forum.
lol i can see what you're doing !!!!

but my rant is aimed at the beeb for cheating and filling up valuable news time with easy pickings (that they created).... i also detest the fact that the N.O.W. (i know, i know !) dedicate a couple of pages to what's happening in Corrie, 'Enders and t' 'dale....
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obviously been a slow news day(week)WATCHOUT normally when this happens the govement will announce something that will cost us all dear usually at the end of a news item or buired in the back pages of your newspaper,

or is it me being cynical.............................

I dont look at the breakfast show as news.
I thinks a programe that contains news breaks, topical spots.
Gregers, they seem to do it after every person is vommitted off the show (sorry, couldn't think of a better adjective to use !)...
I dont look at the breakfast show as news.
I thinks a programe that contains news breaks, topical spots.

Seriously? it's where i'd guess 40% of people get their first fill of what's happening in the world..... well that's what i'd hope.... :eek:
Is that 40% of thos that watch the show, so its not many is it.
But joking apart, there is news about every 15 minutes.
bbc... :rolleyes:

i watch it in the morning if im about. i am amazed at how agenda driven the show is...

they do have some nice looking women presenting tho.. :oops:

apprentice.. waste of time.. these sort of people end up running the country!

scary thought!
Saw this in a paper the other day and made me larf :LOL: :LOL:

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