Israel (not) banned from Eurovision Song Contest (Ed.)

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Not yet, but since Iceland called for them to be banned, more and more countries are calling for the same, I suppose it's the fashionable thing to do.

If it ends 'birds with beards' singing I'm all for banning them.

If they are banned, I'm not entirely convinced that the IDF will lay down their weapons and walk out of Gaza, heads bowed in shame. No, I'm not convinced at all.

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Any different from banning Russia from competing in sports competitions?
Are they serial drug cheats too?
Russia is currently also banned for attacking Ukraine...

Along with being banned from Eurovision...

Are you suggesting that Israel is a special case?

And in case you are wondering, was Palestine (Gaza/West Bank) to be a recognised state, then they should be banned as well !
Dunno how Isreal get into the completion sny way

Hardly in Europe are they
Part of the EBU...

Jordan could take part if it wants...

Also includes several North African countries...
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