Kodak Easy Share

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Friend at work as 1000 pictures on there pc, they want to burn them, but it needs 6 discs. cd discs
As we have a network with shared drives I said that I could pick them up & burn them to a dvd on my pc. (he dosnt have a dvd burner).

Whilst I can see the pictures I cant see how to move them.
I have tried r/click, no copy comes up. I have tried edit no joy.

Anyone know anythink about Kodak Easy share?
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Default location is set in the Kodak software.
Select Tools
Select Preferences
Select Transfer tab
Location is shown on last line

default is usually
c:Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Kodak pictures

depending on your installation the path might be "Shared Documents instead of "Documents" and might be "Shared Pictures" instead of "Pictures".

Be aware that the software may not store a copy of the pictures. It can be set to just keep a thumbnail and file properties. (so that it can be used to index pictures on cameras/CDs/DVDs etc.
If this is the case, then the "Kodak Pictures" folder above may be empty or may just contain some of the pictures.

To confirm the actual location of any picture,
Start up the Kodak Easyshare software
Find the thumbnail of a picture you need to locate
Do a right click on the thumbnail
Select properties
The file location will be shown on the sixth line down

Be also aware that this was the location when the thumbnail was created. If your friend has been moving things around, it may no longer be there.

Free advice that you already know - make two dvd copies and verify them. DVDs and hard disks break. I must have a dozen friends who've lost wedding/baby pics through HD failure. scratched CDs, melted DVDs etc. and I've only been able to salvage half of them.
If you are at work then it maybe security permissions preventing copying.

If your friend can copy the files to a shared location were you have full read write access then you should be OK.
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The problem was I couldnt find where they all were.
Many thanks, found & copied to the shared drive, I can now pick them up & burn them.