Loft floor.

3 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom

I have just insulated my loft with 300mm of insulation. I want to board the centre section (6 metres x 4 metres) for storage. I have been told not to compress the insulation as it looses its properties but how can i board it without having to build the timbers up by 300mm?

Many thanks in advance,

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You can't which is why you need to lay secondary joists at right angles to your ceiling joists in order to account for this problem.
Hi, thanks for reply. My existing timbers are only 100mm deep, this puts my first layer of insulation 50mm above the top of timbers. How can i put additional joists at right angles to accommodate the additional 150mm without compressing the first layer and would the weight of extra joists plus boarding be too heavy??


Compressing the first layer of insul a few inches really wont make a lot of difference but if you're that worried you'll have to stick 50mm battens on them first.
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couldnt he put a foam board style insulation in? dont these have better UV values without being so bulky?
he's ALREADY got the insulation in.. so why would he pay again for more insulation?
To avoid having to rebatten and lose inchs in height of his room.

Rockwool costs £1 a roll, he will have lost about £7 but gained a larger room.

My (repeated) worry is the possibility of condensation when boarding in mineral wool. IF he has no VPL below then won't moisture get trapped below the flooring and condense in the mineral wool? For that reason alone, I'd want closed-cell foam insulation under flooring.

If I am being an idiot - please tell me and get it over with. :confused:
IF he has no VPL below then won't moisture get trapped below the flooring and condense in the mineral wool? ?

Sorry to hijack someone's post, but I have a similar situation. My loft has two sections, the front which originally had 100mm insulation in the joists over which I put an additional 170mm at a right angle to bring it up to 270mm.

The back section just has the 100mm between the joists. I plan to put chipboard T&G flooring over the joists, to use the area for storage, and then insulate the roof "wall" itself. However neither section has a VPL and reading this post makes me a bit concerned. Do I need to take up the insulation and put the VPL in?

Also, there are 12V lights in the ceiling so how do people cope with that and a VPL?

Thanks in advance,


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