
23 May 2005
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United Kingdom
Who the f**k makes the rules, is it you?
Does it not occur to you why you have to edit so many times?
Its simple, its because people want an answer to the question they have posted, so why dont you ****in let likewise people post a reply, you one dimensional *******....

There is no need to be abusive, this is a privately owned and run forum, the rules are self explanatory. If you do not like them no one is forcing you to post, you are the one who posted in the wrong forum not me, (I have moved your post) certain sites are not permitted, posts are rarely edited, but there were a lot of complaints yesterday (Saturday) so something had to be done

I do occasionally make my own posts, but it is better for us moderators to post in some ones reply (as I have now) that way there is no confusion as to who the comment is directed at
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i know you don't make the rules moderators but i guess you aren't being paid to enforce them so why not go on strike until the admins get a clue and make them sane?


whilst i agree with some of your sentiments
i personally find you guys run your own ship

i stick my nose in now and then in case you get some git advertising

other than that i dont bother

wish i could say the same in general
There's a thing that annoys me.

What's wrong with posting yourself rather than ****ing with peoples posts?

And why all the extreme censoring?


ask admin not a prob to me !
Thanks MOD for your liberal reply, i was expecting to get booted off, lol, 10 pints soberer i may add....
maybe i should have posted this on the plumbing forum, as that seems to be getting censored a bit more than this forum, anyway, cheers all, im gonna sit on my fat arse all day now, until later...see ya..


hope you have a tinnie in your hand ;)
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Well call me old fashioned, but I think the restraint the Mods showed yesterday was brilliant. I have never seen so many threads locked on one site in so short a period of time, and the common thread was one particular poster.

If people do not like the rules then i suggest they go elswhere instead of bitching about it here.

I agree with the sentiments that it would be nice if we knew who the Mods were on here, as this information is not usually an issue on other forums, but equally I don't think it that much of an issue either.

However to echo the Mods comments, I would suggest complaints are directed to [email protected] instead of moaning to the Mods who simply enforce the rules they are tasked with, they don't make the rules and we all need to remember that.
FWL_Engineer said:
Well call me old fashioned, but I think the restraint the Mods showed yesterday was brilliant. I have never seen so many threads locked on one site in so short a period of time, and the common thread was one particular poster.

If people do not like the rules then i suggest they go elswhere instead of **** about it here.

I agree with the sentiments that it would be nice if we knew who the Mods were on here, as this information is not usually an issue on other forums, but equally I don't think it that much of an issue either.

However to echo the Mods comments, I would suggest complaints are directed to [email protected] instead of moaning to the Mods who simply enforce the rules they are tasked with, they don't make the rules and we all need to remember that.

why do the mods have to be so private (as in, no1 knwowin who they are)

also, expect your post to be edited for the email in it...
andrew2022 said:
FWL_Engineer said:
Well call me old fashioned, but I think the restraint the Mods showed yesterday was brilliant. I have never seen so many threads locked on one site in so short a period of time, and the common thread was one particular poster.

If people do not like the rules then i suggest they go elswhere instead of **** about it here.

I agree with the sentiments that it would be nice if we knew who the Mods were on here, as this information is not usually an issue on other forums, but equally I don't think it that much of an issue either.

However to echo the Mods comments, I would suggest complaints are directed to [email protected] instead of moaning to the Mods who simply enforce the rules they are tasked with, they don't make the rules and we all need to remember that.

why do the mods have to be so private (as in, no1 knwowin who they are)

also, expect your post to be edited for the email in it...

i am a mod on att i personaly prefer to be open thats just me

the trouble is you[as a mod] then become the target for all the anger they cant vent on the forum because there argument is right and any censorship is wrong no matter how ott they go :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

as a mod you must make a decition and stick to it whether right or wrong[most mods get it right 95%of the time]if people know the name behind the face they can target that person to try and make them change there minds
once you enter into a conversation[argument] you can no longer mod the thread as you then become involved leaving the only option to lock or remove niether satisfactory especialyif there is unnapropriat material on veiw

and personaly i am against censorship we all have points of veiw
as long as you veiws dont cross the well know accseptable bounds of most forums nowt will happen ;)
having read some of the purile pap that gets posted on here, i can only so well done to the mods. the site has clear rules, people give up their time to run it and answer questions, so if the mod has to step in to sort something out because someone hasnt read the rules then thats life. its not a free for all, its not everyones right to fill it with ever insulting garbage they want, so why do people get upset when something is rightly done about it. I think a certain few people need to take a good long hard look at themselves in the mirror, because on the face of whats been written in the past week or so theres some people who need character transplants out there.

mods keep doing what you do, every game in life needs a referee!

thankyou, and thanks to thsoe who have given their support
big-all said:
the trouble is you[as a mod] then become the target for all the anger they cant vent on the forum because there argument is right and any censorship is wrong no matter how ott they go :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
My own opinion, I think the mod names should be kept private for protection because I for one already has some insults on here sometime ago and also has 1 death threat so far :!: The only thing I can think of if the mod's have a nickname perhaps because it's only a name at the end of the day.
masona said:
big-all said:
the trouble is you[as a mod] then become the target for all the anger they cant vent on the forum because there argument is right and any censorship is wrong no matter how ott they go :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
My own opinion, I think the mod names should be kept private for protection because I for one already has some insults on here sometime ago and also has 1 death threat so far :!: The only thing I can think of if the mod's have a nickname perhaps because it's only a name at the end of the day.

death threat for what? closing a thread!?
andrew2022 said:
masona said:
big-all said:
the trouble is you[as a mod] then become the target for all the anger they cant vent on the forum because there argument is right and any censorship is wrong no matter how ott they go :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
My own opinion, I think the mod names should be kept private for protection because I for one already has some insults on here sometime ago and also has 1 death threat so far :!: The only thing I can think of if the mod's have a nickname perhaps because it's only a name at the end of the day.

death threat for what? closing a thread!?

abuse is only effective if you take it to heart
what little abuse i get goes strait over my head
if you answer an abusive post with a well reasond point [not argument ;)] they persist and you let them rant on they look stupid not you :rolleyes:
I moderate on a consumer complaints website, and our names are published. then again, there is no equivalent to the General Chat section here, so things don't get so heated.

Don't envy the moderator on here at all - They're all voluntary and I expect they pretty much had to give up last weekend to keep it all in check.
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