Necessary for security

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
The Prisons Minister in the new Taliban government says amputations will resume but not necessarily in public: executions were a choice offered to the victims family who could administer a single shot to the head or accept blood money in recompense for the crime.
This all seems barbaric and medieval to Western liberal eyes but who are we to criticise when women feel unable to walk the streets safely in this country?
A primary school teacher takes a five minute walk through a park to meet someone and never arrives. Murdered by a stranger for some mad reason or other.
So many instances of injustice in this country make me wonder if we have a right to criticise a regime who have suffered for forty years of foreign intervention and had a parting shot of a family blown to pieces by a drone strike on a man 'acting suspiciously' who was simply taking meals to his community. Madness.
Isn't it time we removed the mote from our own eyes before judging other cultures?
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'Development, like democracy' cannot come from the barrel of a gun.

It's estimated the American government spent up to three trillion dollars over the last twenty years; about the amount their looking for now to invest in an infrastructure bill which Republicans are fighting tooth and nail.
No idea how much money the British government spaffed up the wall but i'm sure it could've been put to better use.
Why focus on women's rights in Afghanistan anyway?
There's a great deal more that can be done on Human rights, for sure, but that's true of any authoritarian society, and nobody is seriously suggesting we invade China or Russia for their suppression of minorities in their countries.
It seems to me to be a disconnect between rural and city living people in the country: educated people in Kabul resent restrictions on their freedoms while people in the countryside are just glad someone has restored a semblance of order and stopped Americans bombing their lives to hell.
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The Prisons Minister in the new Taliban government says amputations will resume but not necessarily in public: executions were a choice offered to the victims family who could administer a single shot to the head or accept blood money in recompense for the crime.
This all seems barbaric and medieval to Western liberal eyes but who are we to criticise when women feel unable to walk the streets safely in this country?
A primary school teacher takes a five minute walk through a park to meet someone and never arrives. Murdered by a stranger for some mad reason or other.
So many instances of injustice in this country make me wonder if we have a right to criticise a regime who have suffered for forty years of foreign intervention and had a parting shot of a family blown to pieces by a drone strike on a man 'acting suspiciously' who was simply taking meals to his community. Madness.
Isn't it time we removed the mote from our own eyes before judging other cultures?
You make some interesting points.
Exactly! If I was a woman, I know which country I’d rather be in.

Well, i'm a bloke and i wouldn't live anywhere else in the world but here, although you're still focussing on one issue rather than looking at a bigger picture. Why are people suddenly so interested in women's rights in Afhanistan? Originally our military were sent in to stop terrorism and that didn't work out so well, did it?
Don't you think another 'crisis' is being manufactured to suit the purpose of our own government?
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