New PC

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
A can of worms I may well open up here.....

As some of you know, I am struggling with an old PC based on ME that blue-screens at the drop of a hat.

I need to upgrade, but do not want to spend heaps. I'm not short of cash, or mean, just don't feel the need (considering my basic computing needs) to be at the leading edge of technology. Just somewhere ahead of where I am at the moment would be nice. Particularly, it would be good to get away from DOS-based OS's... :cry:

I surf the net a lot, use e-mail, use MS Office, download & edit music & download & print photos.

I have looked at some refurbs on dabs for sub £150 and some new PC's on ebuyer from around £200.

So, given a very low budget (around £300 or so for a PC inc OS + monitor), can you offer any suggestions?
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A minimum spec Dell Vostro with Windows XP (i.e. not Vista) pre-installed is probably perfect for you.
Thanks. What's special about Dell & why are you anti-Vista?
I wouldn't describe Dell machines as 'special', but they're good value, with good backup and prompt action on repairs and warranty claims, have good build quality, and are simple to maintain and upgrade. The Vostro is a no frills machine, and one of the few to have the option of pre-installed XP (with Vista media included).

I rate XP because it's mature, stable, not too slow on a small amount of RAM, enjoys a well established base of solutions to problems, and is compatible with almost everything you can throw at it.

Vista isn't any of those things.
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Thanks for your opinion.

Just had a look at Dell & the basic machine is 159+VAT+DEL.

ebuyer have a better equipped machine here for £210 inc VAT & DEL.

Apart from the Vista, does this look good for the money or does the Dell have a superior processor?
I'm with Softus regarding Dell.

Both my last 2 computers have been Dell and been trouble free and good value for money. They have their reputation to consider so will not put out any rubbish. :D

Was not aware that all the product details would disappear when it's out of stock...
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