Nothing to see here, move along please.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"US officials say the death of a former Vladimir Putin adviser, whose body was found in a Washington DC hotel with extensive injuries, was an "accident".

He had blunt-force injuries to his head, neck, torso, upper and lower extremities.

BBC Russian says Mr Lesin was for a long time considered one of the most influential figures in the Russian media market and in the corridors of power.

He worked as an aide to the presidency between 2004-09, when he helped advise on the creation of the English-language news channel Russia Today.

Mr Putin led tributes to Mr Lesin following news of his death, hailing his "enormous contribution... to the formation of modern Russian media".

Mr Lesin had allegedly amassed millions of dollars in assets in Europe and the US, including $28m in Los Angeles real estate, while working for the Russian government."

Russian state media reports say he died of a heart attack.

"Media tycoon & former Russian press minister Lesin dies from heart attack at 57"
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So the US guv'mint has knocked him off & wants everyone to think it was just another 'accident' ?
No proof as usual John.. you should be ashamed your tv licence money goes on overseas propaganda
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Are you 'in drink' John?

I must say, that would be highly unusual if you were :)

When/if you ever sober up John . . . could you possibly give at least one of your remaining brain cells the chance to consider that Putin might actually be the good guy !