Operation MoonPoo

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Rapid Covid tests used in mass UK programme get scathing US report


Innova tests’ performance not proven and they should be returned to manufacturer or thrown in bin, says FDA

Operation Moonsh@t - the use of these tests provides nothing other than a nice money maker for friends of Tory MPs.

"In its report, the agency accused the company of “false or misleading” estimates of the clinical performance of certain configurations of the test, saying the estimates did not accurately reflect the performance of the diagnostic devices during clinical studies."

These billions will be paid back via higher taxes and lower services. Well done.
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If I knew what sort of numbskulls were spending taxpayers' money on this rubbish, I bet I could get them to sign a contract with me to provide ferry services.

I do not have a ferry.
"In its report, the agency accused the company of “false or misleading” estimates of the clinical performance of certain configurations of the test, saying the estimates did not accurately reflect the performance of the diagnostic devices during clinical studies."

"Operation Moonshot, the mass-testing scheme championed by the prime minister’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings."

say no more.
I do not have a ferry.
I suspect though that you know what one is and know what sort of facilities they operate out of.

Which makes you overqualified to get a contract.

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I've been saying this since march 2020 and being ridiculed.
All of this is a project to make money and reduce the common people to compliant slaves, happy to be enslaved by dictators preaching the word of the new God, Our Lord, The Magnificent Covid.
What a lot of boll@x!
I've been saying this since march 2020 and being ridiculed.
All of this is a project to make money and reduce the common people to compliant slaves, happy to be enslaved by dictators preaching the word of the new God, Our Lord, The Magnificent Covid.
What a lot of boll@x!

Well over half the posters on here voted for the Tories and Brexit and are happy they are being fleeced.

The Government turns around takes a dump on them and they doff their caps.
Well over half the posters on here voted for the Tories and Brexit and are happy they are being fleeced.

The Government turns around takes a dump on them and they doff their caps.

Galahad, relax. Go out for a drink, meet some new people, make some new friends. Everything's going to be alright. Really.
Galahad, relax. Go out for a drink, meet some new people, make some new friends. Everything's going to be alright. Really.

You old fogie. I'm the one who will be paying for this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

I suspect though that you know what one is and know what sort of facilities they operate out of.

Which makes you overqualified to get a contract.

Your geography has to be suspect also, not knowing the importance of Dover to cross-channel transport.
Well over half the posters on here voted for the Tories and Brexit and are happy they are being fleeced.

The Government turns around takes a dump on them and they doff their caps.
It's a lot worse than that.
The very same communist dressed up as liberal democratic labourers who were criticising the Tory government for their every move, as soon as God Covid arrived, started following BoJo & Co's advice to the letter.
They became preachers of the Tory's decrees, restrictions to freedom and dictatorship.
They started following the Tory's commandments and condemning anyone against them.
These are the same people who used to scream that they would start a revolution against the Tory government if....(never an explanation why they didn't).
They still talk against the Tory government but follow everything BoJo the shephard says...
It's a lot worse than that.
The very same communist dressed up as liberal democratic labourers who were criticising the Tory government for their every move, as soon as God Covid arrived, started following BoJo & Co's advice to the letter.
They became preachers of the Tory's decrees, restrictions to freedom and dictatorship.
They started following the Tory's commandments and condemning anyone against them.
These are the same people who used to scream that they would start a revolution against the Tory government if....(never an explanation why they didn't).
They still talk against the Tory government but follow everything BoJo the shephard says...
Is that your teachers comments on the end?
I'd agree.
It's a lot worse than that.
The very same communist dressed up as liberal democratic labourers who were criticising the Tory government for their every move, as soon as God Covid arrived, started following BoJo & Co's advice to the letter.
They became preachers of the Tory's decrees, restrictions to freedom and dictatorship.
They started following the Tory's commandments and condemning anyone against them.
These are the same people who used to scream that they would start a revolution against the Tory government if....(never an explanation why they didn't).
They still talk against the Tory government but follow everything BoJo the shephard says...

Labour are scared under Keir as the press would tear him a new one if he fought the Tories substantially on lots of these issues during a pandemic - they would brand him as playing politics.

So the Tories are now using instant messaging apps to do business which they can then delete all records so we don't know what they are planning. Democracy dies in the darkness, but the mad hatters on here keep on supporting them.


Whether you are pro or against Brexit - when you welch on a trade agreement six months after we negotiated it - you think it helps our standing in the world or trust?

What we need is more partie who represent us better than just two major parties.

UKIP even though I disagree with them polled about 2m people but got zero seats whilst it takes just 59k votes for each Tory seat. The system is broken.
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