Passing Security

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Bank calls me. Pretty sure it's legit, but want to make sure it is.

I tell them I'm worried about scam calls.

I ask them to tell me the day I was born on. Then I ask them to split my house number into individual digits and multiply them all together and then I ask for the total.

They were surprised and upset. They tried telling me that they could not give me that information as they were bound by GDPR. Ha, ha! I told them I had carefully selected those questions as the answers were not personal data and would not be covered by GDPR.

Then they said of course it's us, etc.....

They could not see that there is so much scammy stuff going on that customers are genuinely worried about divulging information to anyone.

Eventually, after referring to their manager, they gave me the info.

So, the next time you are unsure who you are talking to, ask them these questions.
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