Reduntant Hunchback(joke)

On his 18th birthday Quasimodo was given a few coins and decided to go and get himself laid for the first time..

He walked along the road where the prostitutes hang out looking for one he liked..

The first one was a beautiful blonde with full lips and a figure any man would crawl across glass to get to..

"How much?" asked Quasi..

"100 francs".. replied the whore.

"Aww that's too much..".. so Quasi continued down the road..

the next one he came to was a homely looking girl of colour...

"How much?" again asked Quasi..

"50 francs" came the reply..

"Awww.. still too much, I only have 20 francs.."

and so he continued on..

he came to a rather ugly woman with no arms and only 1 leg..

"beggars can't be chosers" thought Quasi.."How much?"

"20 fancs, but for that you can do anything.."

"heck why not.. " and off they went..

10 years later quasi was walking down the street when a young child with no arms, one leg and a hump came hopping over shouting at him..

"YOU!!! you, you bastard, you must be my dad!!!, lok what you made of me!!!"...

"Think yourself lucky kid, if I had another 30 francs, you'd have been black!!!""..

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I found that both racist and sexist, and therefore offensive ;) (It's been a while since I typed that :LOL: )

I saw Qausi being chaesd down the street by a bunch of kids shouting and jeering and throwing stones at him.
He was shouting "**** off I haven't nicked your football"
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Quasimodo walked into a pub -

Barman - ''What can I get you?''

Quasi - ''Large whisky''

Barman - ''Bells alright?''

Quasi - ''Mind your own effing business''
