Retro fit auto fold up wing mirrors to a 911

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
I was talking to a customer this morning that recently purchased a 2 year old convertible 911.

At the risk of sounding like a "first world" problem... he was bemoaning they fact that the wing mirrors do not automatically fold away when the car is locked. He did ask Porsche if they could retro fit them. They said that it isn't possible.

Does anyone know why that might be the case?

He doesn't, with reason, have a lot of faith in the Porsche dealers. Last year he purchased a 2 year old Porsche but sold it back to Porsche because if the car wasn't used for a week, the battery would go flat. A neighbour initially offered to by it from my customer but my customer warned them about the battery issue. Instead the neighbour purchased that 911 from the dealer. Sure enough the battery kept going flat. The neighbour kicked up a stink and eventually, the dealer traced the fault to a software update that had kept failing to install.
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1st question would be. Do any of that model 911 have mirrors that auto park?

2nd would be are they the same shape and fitting.

After that it comes down to wiring and power, which can always be done (at a price), but may affect warranty
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