Rotherham child abuse

If you think you can find me apologising for abuse, let's see you try.
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Abuse takes many forms

may be MP's abusing there power in a democracy to vote down the will of the people , where do u stand on that ?? :)

apologising for abuse ? Hmmm what in certain non Christian religions ? perhaps your silence on the issue may indicate some thing ? :idea:

perhaps ignoring evidence of reported abuse ? :idea: saying nothing :idea: arguing that any reports of abuse must be propaganda & lies :idea:

etc etc

what could be refered to as the Ostrich syndrome bury your head in the sand & it never happened or is not happening :LOL:
That's a "no" then.

Hmmm may be ? or perhaps remaining silent on abuse amongst certain groups is being an apologist for it :idea:

than again one can always say I never knew ;)

I was never told ;)

I never saw any evidence of it ;)

a lot of Germans used these types of excuses in 1945.

As did many social workers , police and others in rotheram ;)
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No apology for Liverpool abuse, either


"The judge warned Turner’s supporters they could face jail, after some of them threatened jurors at the end of his trial."

"Turner, who displayed no emotion, waved at family members as he left the dock, who shouted: “Love you Ant.”
What's most shocking is that there were people like johnd in government for 10+ years. Lunatic/freak asylum
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