Should we be giving fair warning?

22 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
Seems fairly certain now that it's only a matter of time before a change at Westminster.

Question is should we be warning them north of the border that we will shortly be returning their cast-offs? Or do you think they will have worked it out for themselves?
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I think it was Maggie, who, when asked during her reign what her electoral success was down to, replied 'it's the economy stupid'.

The British electorate will keep electing a tap dancing hyena, as long as there is at least the illusion that the economy is doing well, and they have some folding in their back pockets. Never mind that the 'illusion' of a bouyant economy is exactly that. Of course the illusion is that our cramped little houses are worth a minimum of a quarter of a million, and the spending power we have is largely down to credit cards and the ability to borrow against our homes. Until now.

Now that UK PLC is in reverse gear, the cracks in the economy are starting to show. If the economy starts going pear shaped in a big way, Gordon Brown knows that he is on the ropes.

Hopefully Gordon Brown will soon be heading northwards - permanently!
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I think it was Maggie, who, when asked during her reign what her electoral success was down to, replied 'it's the economy stupid'.
Always full of charm Maggie...Not!

Some would say that Blair was charming and charismatic. He used his charm to feather his nest, and all his cronies nests, whilst selling this country down the river and renegining on just about every promise he ever made.

You may prefer the charms of phoney Tony, but give me the Iron Lady any day!
Seems fairly certain now that it's only a matter of time before a change at Westminster.
Depends what sort of change you're referring to ;)

Brown out ... Totally agree.

Labour out ... I wouldn't say so for a while yet, unfortunately.

It doesn't really matter what our politicians do - we are pawns in the Global economy. When the World economy is buoyant (Early Thatcher years) all is well. Then came the dip. Then just before Blair came along - it picked up again. Now it's on the down in a big way. So it makes no difference who is rearranging the deck chairs on UK Titanic. All that matters is we are on the way down.
Good to see you are as optimistic as ever ... Don't ever get a job with the Samaritans Joe :LOL:

Some would say that Blair was charming and charismatic. He used his charm to feather his nest, and all his cronies nests, whilst selling this country down the river
Unlike Maggie who just sold the country ;)
that was not the mistake!
the rest of your doe eyed waffle was clearly the mistake that you made.

iron lady pah!
I think it was Maggie, who, when asked during her reign what her electoral success was down to, replied 'it's the economy stupid'.
Always full of charm Maggie...Not!

Maggie never said that it was Bill Clinton

You spotted my deliberate mistake :)

I stand corrected!

that was not the mistake!
the rest of your doe eyed waffle was clearly the mistake that you made.

iron lady pah!

Care to elaborate AtoZZZZZZzz (yawn!), or are you only capable of meaningless critisism that adds zero to the debate.
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