Thanked ratio

26 Nov 2011
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Just searched for this and it was all about mortar mixes .... perhaps it's not been discussed? So, I would be interested in knowing why some people seem to get sig more thanks than others. Obviously some are more helpful than others. Some are more inclined to do the thanking than others. I often do a rough calc in my head on each poster when I am getting advice.
I think the community here is great, btw. :D

My 'thanked' percentage would be p*ss poor, btw!
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The thanked ratio means sod all as it has only been going for a few years, and certainly a lot less than some have been around.

And who cares anyway, a poster can make their own mind up whether they appreciate the answer or not, you aint gonna lose any sleep either way.
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The thanked ratio means sod all as it has only been going for a few years, and certainly a lot less than some have been around.

And who cares anyway, a poster can make their own mind up whether they appreciate the answer or not, you aint gonna lose any sleep either way.

Not sure that I wholeheartedly agree with this - I do find it of some value, even if it's only "thanks in 3 figures so might be worth listening too".

Of course, every rule has its exception... Step forward, ban-all-sheds... :LOL:
I can see everyone's post count, and thank count, but never seen a ratio. Is there a league table somewhere?

I can see everyone's post count, and thank count, but never seen a ratio. Is there a league table somewhere?


Just devide one into the other, your's for example would be one thanks every 16.09 posts.

There's a poster of the month table whereas the one with the most thanks gets a chocolate teapot. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Just devide one into the other, your's for example would be one thanks every 16.09 posts.
Fair enough

Pipped to it by your 13 thanks per post!


And that is why you can't work it out.

I've been a member for nearly 10 year and the thanks button has only been around for perhaps 5year, therefore you could say half of my posts didn't have a thanks button option. In which case 9000 of my posts could be un-thanked.
And that is why you can't work it out.

I've been a member for nearly 10 year and the thanks button has only been around for perhaps 5year, therefore you could say half of my posts didn't have a thanks button option. In which case 9000 of my posts could be un-thanked.

A thanks ratio indicator would only be of any comparable use if it had been initiated from the beginning otherwise it reflects unfairly upon those who accrued a large percentage of their post count prior to the provision of a thanks button
This is a forum that survives purely on the goodwill and advice of its members.

I empathise with the members who have been around for quite a while before the "thanks" button came on but I hope you recognise that there is no way to retrospectively apply thanks to your thousands of posts prior to its introduction.

But I hope that you recognise that the "thanks" facility is, all-in-all, a positive invention. Just because the Internet only took off in the mid 90s does not mean that a) we can turn our back on progress or b) we will forget the pioneers before that date.

I would like us to embrace the "thanks" button and recognise the feature as a rough-and-ready gauge of posters' credibility.
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