The Hidden Power of Maths and the Internet and You

3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
2019: Secret & Lies - The Hidden Power of Maths and the amount of control the Internet has over your life.

The dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell had screens and cameras monitoring and controlling every one both at home and at work.

Well isn't that what the internet is doing today ? There may be far fewer cameras than Orwell thought would be necessary but then with people putting lots of things onto social networks and operating their homes via internet connected "smart" things there isn't really a need for cameras in homes. People are typing it all in themselves

Doctor Hanna Fry sums it up very well in the Royal Institutes Christmas Lectures on BBC TV
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Got given a Google echo? for Xmas, I'm not very happy about it being in the house.
China has a "social credit system" which rewards or punishes citizens based on electronic surveillance of those citizens. China wants complete control of all its people and everything they do, so that anyone with the wrong opinions can be excluded from many day to day activities as punishment, until they toe the line.

Evil mathematics in action, and coming soon to a country near you.
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