What is going on in their minds?

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As an animal lover who feeds birds and sometimes the odd fox, I find this abhorrent.
Before we got the terrorist (dog) we used to feed the foxes in the garden. They have a sh*t life. Life expectancy of round 3-4 years in the wild.

No amount of feeding stopped them hissing at us if we went out. I think they genuinely thought they were steeling our food.
Before we got the terrorist (dog) we used to feed the foxes in the garden. They have a sh*t life. Life expectancy of round 3-4 years in the wild.

No amount of feeding stopped them hissing at us if we went out. I think they genuinely thought they were steeling our food.

Foxes often get a bad reputation, and I understand this - especially for farmers or those with livestock. My only experience is with urban foxes. Agree, and often think what a crap existence they have so deserve some sympathy for just doing what's natural - ie. surviving. It's a short life, often spent cold, wet, hungry, flea and worm infested and persecuted - basically eating garbage just to fight off the gnawing hunger pains. Then 3 or 4 years it's all over from a car injury or untreated infection - poss dying in agony alone. Have to remember that before we urbanised or built houses, the foxes were here first. I put out dry dog food every night for the foxes, though sometimes a cat gets a bit or the local town badger may help themselves. Don't suppose foxes chose this life - who would? In captivity they can live 7, 8 or even 10 years.

Wouldn't wish coming back as a fox on my worst enemy, but then I suppose life is tough for most wild animals. I'm coming back as rich lady's pampered pussy. (y)
Before we got the terrorist (dog) we used to feed the foxes in the garden. They have a sh*t life. Life expectancy of round 3-4 years in the wild.

No amount of feeding stopped them hissing at us if we went out. I think they genuinely thought they were steeling our food.
I saw one in the garden last week, it walked right across the patio doors. The poor thing had awful mange and a damaged back foot.

Last spring when there was a litter they used to play around the back of our garden office, If I stayed very still they wouldn’t notice me for ages. Sometimes they were just 4 feet away. Amazing
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