would you want to stop?

what would you give up?

  • i would never give anything up i enjoy (we all gotta die sometime)

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • i would, only if i knew it would kill me in 6 months

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • i would, if it meant seeing my grand kids

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
if a higher being visited you and said "if you give up taking/eating/injecting/inhaling *such and such*, you will live for a full day longer", then you would probably laugh and carry on, injecting etc..

if however, the statement said you would live an extra 20 years, then the proposition may be more attractive.

a good friend of mine has had to give up something he has been doing for years. doc's orders.:cool:

i gave up smoking simply because it is a lousy, stinking, anti-social habit, that not only was it bad for my health, it limited how close you could get to a girl before your breath made her puke.

if i had to give up my evening stella i would be gutted. :rolleyes:

i like a fry-up and Indian food too
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My thoughts, If you took notice of everything that could harm or kill you, foods, alcohol, cigarettes,asbestos,ladders,power tools the list goes on and on and on!
What happens when you get to this ripe old age because you heeded all the warnings and avoided all the health scares. Very simply you ain't goner get looked after by the state because funds don't allow it unless you have private means, a lot of them, your house you worked all your life to pay off gets sold, your savings absorbed and all to put you in some carers home or worse were as altzheimers kicks in your oblivious to everything. I say go for it and enjoy while you can, the kids will have more to inherit as well. What a life? :LOL:
All seems great until the day of reckoning comes and its not a pretty sight!
I enjoy my life and want it go on as long as possible. Smoking is attempted suicide without the stigma of other forms of topping yourself.

Good luck to ya! ;)
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If someone suggested i could live an extra 20 years by giving something up I would probably increase the amount I did it in order not to live the extra 20 years.

Its not that i dont like living, I do, just the thought of sitting there in my **** stained armchair at 80 years old watching the same 5 TV channels for the rest of my life doesnt appeal to me.
Yup, the extra years you gain are the rubbish ones at the end... now if they let you live through your 20s an extra couple of times... that's different! :LOL:

A couple of months ago I took myself in hand. It's not out of an immediate desire to live until I'm 110 (although I would like to, assuming it comes with sanity and mobility and a loving family), but more out of a desire to enjoy the time I've got now. Due to a series of partners who were excellent cooks and generous with the wine, I had gradually gone from a svelt buff 21 year old to a mildly overweight 28 year old.

Even though I'm far from obese, I do find the extra weight hinders my enjoyment of many things...

Now i've been exercising a while and eating better I feel a lot better.
i'm in my early forties and don't get that immortality feeling i once had as a teenager.

in fact, since having children i am more aware of the vulnerabilities in life, than ever.

everything takes longer to heal too. :rolleyes: :(

i think the question of would you - wouldn't you, is interpreted differently with age.

there a few people, other than the terminally ill and those suffering a painful incurable illness, that actually want to die. even the older folks.

i think everyone wants to die with dignity.