Texecom Premier instalation questions

If the detectors have the correct resistor jumpers, use them! Don't worry about fitting any resistors then.

Read the instructions though, as the PIR's have several options with the jumpers for different panels.
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Thanks Lectrician,
I understand about setting the jumpers to the correct settings, I didn't realise that these sensors had the jumpers, I thought it was just the more expensive anti masking sensors that had the resistors built in.
I thought that I would double check that I don't fit the resisters as well as the jumpers.
All clear now. I only need the resistors if the sensor doesn't have the jumpers or the jumpers don't have the correct values.

If the detectors have the correct resistor jumpers, use them! Don't worry about fitting any resistors then.

Read the instructions though, as the PIR's have several options with the jumpers for different panels.
I have got one of the Texecom AMDT Plus sensors and I,m not sure on some of the wiring connections as it does not really give much away in the instructions.

The ones I,m not sure about are TEST | SET |RLED |Spare
I assume the spare is just what it says, what I could do with knowing with the others is what are these for, do I need to wire them, and if so where in the control panel do I wire them to?
Also can I wire the panic buttons using EOL wiring or do these have to be wired double pole? they have the usual 2 tamp & 2 switch connections.
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Thanks again Atila,

Maybe not so obvious to me then.
Like usual I can turn my hand to most practical jobs (with a bit of help sometimes) but I don't know all the technical jargon.

How did you get on with your installation. I'm looking at the Premier 48 panel to install myself and would welcome any tips you may have got during your installation.

I'm also looking at the IP com module as I like to be able to access the panel over the web. Welcome any comments.


It isn't fully up & running yet as I am very busy doing a load of other building work as well.
From what I have done so far I am very pleased with & would definitely recommend it.
One thing I would recommend is the WinTex Upload Download software which makes it a lot easier for programing the system, apart from the software you would also need some sort of hardware, I use the USB-com with my laptop.

Note: could anyone advise whether it is OK to leave the USB-COM permanently connected to the control panel, so I don't have to keep removing the panel cover.
I don't see why not. The only problem you might have is if your panel is fitted with a communicator as this also uses the com1 socket, and needs to be unplugged to allow the connection of the USBcom
Thanks you for your replies. I went for the Texecom 48 and have spent the last couple of weekends getting it up and running. Most of that time was concealing cables. The panel is superb as is the Elite keypad.

I‘ve added the ComIP card and used the wintex software to configure the panel. If you're looking at getting one of these panels you need to consider using the wintex software.

Had some fun when I first armed the system, by default the user needed a keyfob to disarm the system which i didn’t have and was due to one of the timers. Still me running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out a way to silence the system amused the wife.

I’m looking to write my own web interface so if anyone has details of the communication protocol I’d be keen to hear from you.

Thanks to both Texecom support and VFM alarms who have been very patient with all my questions while I was making my decision.


Yep, it caught me out the first panel I fitted where they had added the fob timer as a default. (It didn't used to come like this) If you had wintex connected, you can silence the system from there quite easily whilst you work out why the keypad is locked out!
Just doing a few finishing touches to the alarm system & got another Question.

Is it ok to wire an internal sounder/sound bomb to the the A & B connections in the external sounder connections, I already have two external bell boxes connected, so was wandering if a third sounder would overload it.

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