Recent content by Harry Bloomfield

  1. Harry Bloomfield

    Hidden Electrics

    I make a point of connecting my 2-way switches, so that with all switches up, the light is off.
  2. Harry Bloomfield

    Broken aluminium tube. Can it be fixed

    I have absolutely no idea what one might be, but to fix that, you would need to cut the two damaged ends off, then find some tube which would fit tightly inside it, as a sort of sleeve, then fix it in place, maybe with Gorilla glue. The other way, would be a tube on the outside, instead.
  3. Harry Bloomfield


    It is rather, as all visitors mention how vast it is, when they see the size of it for the first time. I have a big double garage on it, front to rear drive, with the caravan parked on it at the rear, a 12x8' hut, and a 16x16 summer house, with a similar sized lean-to shelter on the back of...
  4. Harry Bloomfield

    Electric Panel Heater on radial circuit

    Again, you are making many assumptions to create the essential space. Back in the real world, many installs may not have spare locations in the consumer unit, may not have RCD's, and the CU's age may mean MCB's are no longer available. That was the position I personally was in.
  5. Harry Bloomfield

    Possible bodged boiler install

    From what you have described, you need to be 'going after them', for that, and very much more, including paying someone to deal with that flue install, as well as the damage to that joint, plus the other minor points you raised.
  6. Harry Bloomfield

    Electric Panel Heater on radial circuit

    You cannot just magically split the ring in two, and double the number of circuits - most consumer units lack the spare capacity to add more MCB's. I do appreciate the value of having more circuits, in fact not many weeks ago I swapped my consumer unit, to one with double the number of ways, so...
  7. Harry Bloomfield

    Trolley Jack Issue

    I think you said a ball bearing is used, in the valve. Might it be worth experimenting with replacing the bearing, with a slightly larger one? It would reduce the space for the oil to flow through, and hopefully slow it down a bit. I have a professional large garage jack, it uses a turn of the...
  8. Harry Bloomfield

    Do you turn off the circuit when changing a lightbulb?

    Over the years of changing thousands of lamps, I've dropped a few, but never, ever had one explode.
  9. Harry Bloomfield

    Possible bodged boiler install

    That is an absolutely shocking story, of appalling workmanship from a company. Worth contacting the BBC, for inclusion in one of their consumer programs.
  10. Harry Bloomfield

    Purlin has a crack/split. Big job? Surely not??

    You do not need to be. You have plenty of time to tackle it yourself. Get a 1m x width of joist piece of cardboard. Mark it up with around 24 positions for holes, evenly spaced, 12mm. Find a local engineering company which can cut the steel, 8mm thick and drill the holes, explain what it's for...
  11. Harry Bloomfield


    Front is a tiny 4x4m, the rear is vast, space enough to get lost in. When I moved in, the rear was totally wild, two massive weeping willows, and bramble had spread from the railway land at the back, up to our back kitchen window. It was so vast, people used to take a shortcut through our...
  12. Harry Bloomfield

    Spitfire engine

    RAF Finningley, that's were I was, just at the end of the runway.
  13. Harry Bloomfield

    What have you been doing today?

    They are not 'on' all the time, they fire intermittently. They are always something to be aware of, when out walking in the countryside, where there is stock. Just watch for wires, supported on insulator.
  14. Harry Bloomfield

    What have you had for dinner

    It was, it just came together perfectly - nothing measured at all.
  15. Harry Bloomfield

    Do you turn off the circuit when changing a lightbulb?

    Well, if I were to notice some issue with the flex, lamp holder, or ceiling rose - then I might feel inclined to isolate, rather than risk tripping the circuit. Then I might feel inclined to reduce the level of risk from minimal, to zero.